Create Content - Make Money

Here's an idea! I happened on to a website that will post your articles and pay you royalties on any ads that get clicked on. It's Triond. Here's how it works:
  1. You create interesting content and submit it.
  2. They publish your content on appropriate websites.
  3. You earn royalties.

Sounds pretty simple. It's easy to sign up, and best of all it costs nothing. I found it through a comment left at As Within. This blog rarely gets looked at, much less commented on - even though I think it's by far my most inspiring one. So when someone left a comment, I was totally surprised, and checked out her profile. What I found was a blog, Journey of a Spirited Strider, with teasers and links to posts she had written on other sites.

What a cool way to stimulate traffic to your content! It might even be a really good way to create income from my dog training experience.

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