Seed Conference Notes

Wow... these are really cool. Not only that, but they are inspiring and I learned something! What are they? Sketchnotes by Mike Rohde done at the SEED Conference on June 6th, 2008.

SEED 3 Sketchbook

SEED 3 Sketchbook

SEED 3 Sketchbook

SEED 3 Sketchbook

SEED 3 Sketchbook

SEED 3 Sketchbook

SEED 3 Sketchbook

SEED 3 Sketchbook

SEED 3 Sketchbook

SEED 3 Sketchbook

SEED 3 Sketchbook

SEED 3 Sketchbook

SEED 3 Sketchbook

And here's a great quote from Gary V:

"Don’t quit your job to become the queen of cheese. But if you’re doing something that blows and you hate it, go work at 7-Eleven to pay your bills and spend every other hour building your personal plan. If you work 9 AM to 6 PM and get home at 7, whatever you put in between 7 and 3 AM is what you’re gonna get in return. You want to watch Lost? Knock yourself out. I don’t watch shit. I don’t read shit. I’m all about my community and putting out content. I don’t consume. I put out."

Source: 37 Signals

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