This week I have been working on creating blidgets for my blogs. Sounds silly doesn't it? What is a blidget? A blidget is like a little mini blog that you can insert into a webpage.
Here is what
Widgetbox has to say about blidgets:
What’s a blidget?A blidget is a widget that contains your blog. Other people can place your blidget on their sites, increasing your exposure.
Why should I want a blidget?
A blidget drives readers to your site.
Many bloggers like to show support for the other blogs they read, and like to provide their readers with related articles they might like. Everyone who goes to their blog is instantly given a sneak peak into yours.
Some of our blidgets quickly gain hundreds of subscribers — that is, hundreds of people put your blidget on their site, providing their readers exposure to your content.
How do I know who’s using my blidget?Every blidget comes with a metrics dashboard to track your blidget’s spread across the internet, see how many people are looking at it, and discern lots of other patterns.
There was a cool blidget in the sidebar, but it conflicts with the adsense ads. It looks like I can have one or the other but not both. I think this must have something to do with the template I'm using, because I have blidgets on other blogs and no problems at all. As far as I can tell, the main drawback to posting blidgets on blogs and websites is that it really slows the page down in terms of loading time. If you have a high speed connection, you probably won't notice, but if you have dial up it can be a problem.
I'd like to put my blidgets up here as separate blog posts, so you can see and enjoy them, but so far have not succeeded with that either. So, it looks like it's back to
Widgetbox to surf the forums, reread the FAQ's, and maybe even email for some help.
If you want to see one in action, you can visit
The Prosperity Project, there is a
Question of the Day blidget at the top of the page on the right hand side.