Recent Posts Widget - Is it broken?

If you've been using the recent posts widget by Beautiful Beta, you might find that it's not working today. I don't know if it was working yesterday, or not, but it's definitely not working today.

So, I visited Beautiful Beta, and was surprised by the minimalist look of the site which was so different from the last time I was there. After exploring for a while I ended up at the Beautiful Beta Wiki for the Recent Posts Widget. The widget installer was not funtional, however there was a complete explanation of the hack, along with the code.

Apparently the java script file that powers the widget is not accessible anymore. I don't know if the site is down, or what the problem is.

The good news is that this is easy to fix. The java script file is available for download right there on the Wiki page. I downloaded the english version to my desktop, and then uploaded it to a free hosting server ( I then copied the direct link to the java script and replaced the original url with it and now... voila! my recent posts are back.

To fix your recent posts hack, you'll need to replace this url: with the link to the java script that you uploaded to your web host. I'd let you guys use my link, but I'm worried about the limited bandwidth of my Hot Link Files account.

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