Hello Again

So here I am, I know it's been a really long time since I last posted, but I have had a bad case of bloggitis... and it got the better of me... and I had to take it down a notch or two so I could at least get a grip on SOME of them.

I have thought of a way, though, to keep this blog updated without too much trouble, and I thought that I would duplicate my post over at Zaadz if I didn't have time to come up with anything new or interesting. This way, there will at least be a running dialogue, new content, and the illusion of getting this blog up to date.

Illusions are good!

The blog I'm currently having the most fun with is Way Cool Pictures. This is a part of today's post.

It looks like a house that couldn't possibly be for real, but it is...

As for the rest of the story, here it is:

On the Prosperity Project, we are currently working on Gratitude, this is today's post:

Two things I can say "thank you" for are:

The image is kind of dorky, but I have been coming up with a new "thank you" image every day for the last... 15 days or so, and it's getting to be slim pickins!

This month's Project (gratitude) has been working really well. I really think that we are all getting a lot of benefit from this one. If you would like to join in, feel free - we would love to have you!

And then on the Question of the Day, today, I posted this question:

Your body communicates with you all the time. If you were to take the time right now to really listen, what do you think your body would be saying?


And I think that right now, my body has got to be saying "Shirley, for crying out loud, shut up and go to bed!" and I'm saying, "But wait... there's more!"

Continuing with the "body" theme, the current quote from my Way Cool Quotes blog is:

What is always speaking silently is the body.
~Norman Brown

I don't know about you guys, but sometimes my body isn't very silent when speaking. Some times she yells!

And then there's Mandala Madness, todays post is about Madhubani yantra paintings, this is the first part of the post:

The wall paintings of Madhubani are a queer mixture of aestheticism, ecstasy and sex. Put here on paper are some of the same representations.

The major part of the painting has a circle of yantras representing different gods and goddesses. It is the influence of Tantra on the religious scene. The Kali Yantra, Sri Yantra etc. form the conglomeration of yantras, akin to mandalas, a symbol in Tantrik art.....

I have a little bit more information and another image posted on the blog, so if this interests you, you might want to check it out over at Mandala Madness.

And then there's my "R" rated picture blog... Way Cool Pics (yes I know the name is really similar to the other one - but it's too late to change it now) This picture blog may not be suitable for everyone. No porn, nothing too offensive, but some of the images are a little over the top - so if you're sensitive, you might want to NOT go there.

However, that being said, today's picture was hilarious and cute, so I'll include it here, this is it:

Hi Sweetie,
Can you smile pretty for the camera?

And on that note, I'll just say "goodnight"

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